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  On the surface of it the whole operation reads like science fiction until you step back and look, as we will in a later chapter, at the projects like “Horizon” and “Lunux” which were started by the United States Military in the late 1950s. According to those plans, full fledged bases should be online by the time the Apollo program had begun in earnest.

  So what evidence is there that Alternative Three is underway?

  The most compelling evidence, outside actual photographs of the installations themselves, is the testimony of Gary McKinnon.

  McKinnon, a 40-year-old British hacker, broke into a number of highly protected military computer systems between February 2001 and March 2002. Amongst the many things he claims to have found, he says that he came across evidence of a secret space program including manifests of supplies and an Excel spreadsheet which referred to “Non-Terrestrial Officers” who were stationed on ships which could not be located on the Earth.

  From the Wired Interview:

  I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled “Non-Terrestrial Officers.” It contained names and ranks of U.S. Air Force personnel who are not registered anywhere else. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers, but I’ve never seen the names of these ships noted anywhere else.

  This would be consistent which other testimony, which has seemed to indicate there is an active parallel space program underway.

  Later in the interview McKinnon claims to have found evidence of NASA photo manipulation of photos on the moon.

  A NASA photographic expert said that there was a Building 8 at Johnson Space Center where they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. I logged on to NASA and was able to access this department. They had huge, high-resolution images stored in their picture files. They had filtered and unfiltered, or processed and unprocessed, files.

  My dialup 56K connection was very slow trying to download one of these picture files. As this was happening, I had remote control of their desktop, and by adjusting it to 4-bit color and low screen resolution, I was able to briefly see one of these pictures. It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting. There was no reference to the size of the object and the picture was taken presumably by a satellite looking down on it. The object didn’t look manmade or anything like what we have created. Because I was using a Java application, I could only get a screenshot of the picture—it did not go into my temporary internet files. At my crowning moment, someone at NASA discovered what I was doing and I was disconnected.

  What is interesting about this discovery McKinnon made is that, if, a base does exist on the Moon or Mars it would require the complicity of NASA in covering it up. This seems to show NASA is actively covering it up.

  On one hand NASA, if there is indeed a secret space program, would need to make an outward attempt to survey and land on places like the Moon and Mars, but on the other hand they need to cover-up the pre-existing assets there. It is very much a catch-22 of sorts.

  What’s also interesting about the McKinnon case is the effort the United States put into trying to apprehend and extradite him. When the British High Tech Crimes Unit of Scotland Yard caught him in 2002, McKinnon was accused of the biggest military hack of all time. As such, the United States sought to extradite him and try him with a number of crimes which would have not only put him in prison for more then 70 years but also potentially placed him in Guantanamo Bay as a enemy combatant.

  This seems excessive for a guy who hacked some computers and left some thinly veiled threats about revealing the truth about Roswell from 1947. Instead the US Government wanted to put this man away for the rest of his life. That alone in some ways could add credence to what he claims to have found.

  McKinnon’s discoveries are not the only thing, which is strange about our nearest celestial neighbor.

  For more then 30 years NASA, as an agency, has tracked something in the Astronomy community known as “Transient Lunar Phenomenon” or “TLP.” In fact the earliest case of TLP dates back to June 18, 1178 when monks from Canterbury reported the following:

  “There was a bright new moon, and as usual in that phase its horns were tilted toward the east; and suddenly the upper horn split in two. From the midpoint of this division a flaming torch sprang up, spewing out, over a considerable distance, fire, hot coals, and sparks. Meanwhile the body of the moon which was below writhed, as it were, in anxiety, and, to put it in the words of those who reported it to me and saw it with their own eyes, the moon throbbed like a wounded snake. Afterwards it resumed its proper state. This phenomenon was repeated a dozen times or more, the flame assuming various twisting shapes at random and then returning to normal. Then after these transformations the moon from horn to horn, that is along its whole length, took on a blackish appearance.”

  The most recent recording puts the total number of sightings at around 2,200 since the 6th Century.

  So what is TLP? Most commonly TLP is described as short lived lights moving across the surface of the Moon. In modern times many researchers such as John Lear have claimed to have found tracks associated with the TLP, almost like they are vehicles moving across the surface of the Moon with either lights or their skin reflecting the sunlight of the near side of the moon. This would make a lot of sense if mining operations were occurring there. Especially considering most of the sightings are seen in the Northern quadrants of the moon, a location were it has been theorized there are large deposits of Helium Three and Titanium. Helium Three is a fission power source and Titanium is a much needed metal for space travel.

  Bases on the Moon and Mars, sounds astounding doesn’t it, but perhaps the best evidence are the photos themselves. If we are indeed on the Moon and Mars there should be some tell tale evidence of occupation. As humans we do not tend to enter an environment cleanly, instead we tend to discard debris wherever we go. Additionally if there is such an installation or series of installations on these sites it would also make sense we should see the trails left by vehicles.

  From McKinnon’s testimony to Wired Magazine it seems clear that there is an active department trying to remove, with both airbrushes and computers, that very evidence we seek. It also appears they didn’t get everything.

  In the following pages you will be presented a series of photos which escaped the airbrush or the computer program. These images are originals or subsets of originals and if true show a very clear occupation of the Moon and Mars, being used as gateways to the larger solar system. In a later chapter we will also discuss the military plans for Lunar conquest from both the Soviet and American perspective.



  It’s not often a topic of party conversation, but in recent years there has been a fair amount of evidence discovered regarding the supposed development of flying saucer type aircraft by the Third Reich late in the war. Writers such as Henry Stevens, Nick Cook, Joseph Farrell and of course the source for what we know about the Bell specifically Igor Witkowski have explored the topic and made significant traction in unearthing the truth behind the urban legends of Nazi UFOs.

  It’s important to note that in controversial subject such as Nazi UFOs, even the United States Air Force’s best estimates were that at least some of the UFOs seen overhead in the past did originate in the Third Reich and you could by extension suggest that some of the UFOs seen today originate in the Fourth Reich, a breakaway civilization.

  It was none other then Captain Edward Ruppelt, initial head of Project Blue Book, who has been quoted as saying:

  When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported by UFO observers.

  This quote comes to us by way of David Hatcher Childress’s book Lost Continents & the Hollow Earth and I think it illus
trates the point that not only are Nazi UFOs possible but given much of the other evidence those saucers are most likely probable.

  Der Glocke—Power Source of the Gods

  Der Glocke, or The Bell, in many ways represents the linchpin in modern research into Nazi UFO technology. First discussed by Igor Witkowski in his book Prawda O Wunderwaffe (The Truth About The Wonder Weapon), Witkowski wrote his introduction to Die Glocke came by way of transcripts from the interrogation of a former SS Officer named Jakob Sporrenberg who had served as a SS-Grupenfurher leading the SS and police forces in Minsk.

  Sporrenberg was later assigned to General Erich von dem Bach for anti-partisan operations ultimately ending the war in southern Norway again as head of the SS and police forces there.

  Captured in Norway at the end of the war, he was interrogated at Kensington Palace Gardens in London and later extradited to Poland where he was tried and eventually executed on December 6, 1952 for his war crimes against Poland and the Soviet Union.

  Witkowski claims he was shown the interrogation transcripts by an unnamed Polish intelligence officer in August 1997 due to information within them regarding German Wonder Weapons. According to Witkowski he was only able to transcribe the documents and was not allowed to make any copies, something which is not unheard of in such situations.

  According to the transcripts there was apparently a large scale research and development facility called “Der Riese” or “The Giant” which was located near the then Czech border. At this facility, under the command of SS General Hans Kammler, primary research was carried out into exotic propulsion systems. That research eventually culminated in the Bell.

  Die Glocke is often described as being constructed “out of a hard, heavy metal” and was nine feet wide and 12 to 15 feet high. The shape was similar to a large bell. The device contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be “filled with a mercury substance, violet in color” whose code name was “Xerum 525.”

  The fuel or Xerum 525 was often stored in a tall thin flask almost a meter high encased in a significant amount of lead. There have been stories that scientists and technicians who came into contact with Xerum 525 became violently ill and some died. As you can imagine the Bell was known to emit large amounts of radiation when activated, which apparently led to the death of several scientists as well as plant and animal test subjects. When tested, the Bell was tethered to “The Henge” as well as very large electrical cables.

  Apparently successful, the Bell was later modified and used as the power source for a flying saucer shaped vehicle called “The Haunebu.”

  What is very interesting about the Bell is that the device described by Watkowski is strikingly similar to a supposed UFO crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. The Kecksburg UFO is commonly described as an acorn shaped object with strange hieroglyphics which may in fact have been Norse style runic placed on the Bell by its engineers to imbue it with occult-like power, not unheard of in the SS or Nazi realm.

  Also very interesting was the discovery, by William Lyne, of a device called a KT-P2 which has also been called “The Celestial Navigator.” Lyne contends that the KT-P2 device was a Kreisel Teller Gyro Plate which ran on a 6-volt motor. The pilot would engage the device and set the desired heading, the slave compass would then show the heading of the device based on telemetry fed from a master compass tethered to it. The reason this becomes important is that this device and the master device were celestially calibrated and were not magnetic compasses. Most likely due to the wild magnetic fields a device like the Bell would generate.

  So where did the Bell go?

  There is some contention about he final resting place of the Bell technology. Cook argues that at the end of the war project lead Kammler negotiated with the United States government to protect himself and his top scientists by handing over the Bell. This has been supported, at least in part, by scattered comments about a Bell-like device being housed at the Foreign Technology Division of Wright Paterson AFB.

  Others believe that Kammler killed many of the technicians and the prototypes, scientists and senior technicians into several Junkers 390 transports and took them to a secret base in Antarctica called “Base 211.” While at Base 211 Kammler and his scientists supposedly completed the Bell prototype and operationized it.

  What’s interesting about the “Nazi Antarctic Survival Myth” as it is known is that the JU390 has a range of close to 6,000 miles which would have placed it somewhere in the range of Africa, well short of the required fuel load needed to fly directly to the Antarctic.

  However, there has been some discussion mainly in Griehl’s “Luftwaffe Ueber Amerika” that successful tests were carried out over the Atlantic where a JU290 was able to refuel a JU390 in flight. This would have given the JU390’s the fuel required to make the flight to Antarctica.

  There is also a story which comes to us via a document reportedly in the Argentine National Archives which reports a very large multi-engine German aircraft was being stored at a hanger near Gualeguay in the Entre Rios province of Argentina. The sighting was reported in May 1945 around the time of the German surrender.

  That is in addition to the story there is also the persistent stories of U-Boats such as U-530 and U-977. In the case of U-530 that crew surrendered in Argentina in July 10, 1945 at Mar del Plata. After surrender the crew was transferred to the United States. U-977 surrendered August 17, 1945 again at Mar del Plata.

  So what were those U-boats doing for months after the surrender? Is it possible that these U-boats were running supplies to Base 211 from allied nations such as Argentina?

  It’s possible, even probable. They were both in the right location at the right time to move material and personnel from Argentina to Base 211. That coupled with the large German transport sighted in May 1945 in Argentina tend to lend credence to that theory.

  Given that the JU390 was indeed capable of a long duration flight and could be refueled via Spain or other friendly nations in flight it is indeed possible the JU390s controlled by Hans Kammler could have flown to Argentina or Antarctica where they were unloaded and the Haunebu / Bell project could be completed in secrecy.

  Hans Kammler

  A lot has been said about Hans Kammler, but who is Hans Kammler, really, and why was he the right man to lead the Bell project?

  Hans Kammler was born in Stettin, Germany near what is now Szczecin, Poland. In 1919 Kammler served in the Rossbach Freikorps, known to be an extreme right wing unit which was known the be stringently anti-communist. In fact, Kammler’s fellow Rossbach comrades included Rudolf Hoss who served as the commandant of Auschwitz and was hanged in Poland in 1947 for crimes against humanity.

  1919 to 1923 Kammler studied Engineering at the Technische Hochschule der Freien Stadt in Danzig, later moving to Munich where he was awarded his Dr. Ing (Doctorate in Engineering) in 1932. Kammler joined the NSDAP in 1931 where he headed the Aviation Ministry’s building department after the Nazi party came to power. He joined the SS in May 1933 and was issued number 113,619. By 1934 he was a councilor for the Interior Ministry, but Kammler wasn’t done climbing the Nazi party ladder yet.

  June 1941 Kammler joined the Waffen SS and was assigned to Oswald Pohl’s WVHA or SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptant group as Pohl’s deputy. The WVHA oversaw AMT C and AMT D which oversaw the construction and administration of concentration camps. Kammler in particular oversaw the installation of the cremation facilities at Auschwitz.

  As Kammler moved through the SS hierarchy he eventually came to the attention of Heinrich Himmler who personally assigned him to demolish the Warsaw ghetto after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943. It should be stressed that to be assigned by Himmler for such a retaliatory action demonstrates his position in the greater SS organization.

  Kammler’s next big assignment was to take over the construction, supported by inmates from the nearby Buchenwald Concentration Camp, of the massive construction project at the Jonas Valley. The secret project, though never completed, has b
een tied to several code names including Siegfried, Jasmin, Olga, Burg and S/III thought its actual name is unknown.

  Some theories around the Jonas Construction seem to link it to a chain of massive bunkers in central Thuringen near the city of Gotha, comprised a sort of Nazi Doomsday Bunker. It has been theorized that the Jonas site was selected due to its location to serve as a continuity of government facility in the event that the main Fuhrer Bunker fell and the Nazi central machine had to relocate from Berlin. In fact there is a claim that Hitler spent March 1945 in this or another adjacent bunker before moving on to locations unknown.

  It has also been theorized the Jonas Valley site could also have been a launch and construction complex for the proposed “Amerika Rocket” which the Nazis were working on along with nuclear devices.

  What is interesting about the Jonas installation is that, while this predates Alternative Three, the construction of a massive underground complex is consistent with an Alternative Two scenario. It is possible the Third Reich’s own scientists had detected the changing environment and started a similar movement towards a breakaway style civilization.

  What is known is that Kammler himself was heavily involved in secret weapons and exotic research as early as 1942 when Oswald Pohl sent a letter to Kammler to discuss constructing weapons at concentration camps which Pohl controlled.

  As the war moved on, Kammler became increasing powerful and started to move towards exotic weaponry. First, in heading construction efforts for manufacturing facilities and launch platforms for the ME262 and V-2 rocket, and later in August 1943 Kammler assumed the command responsibility for Pennemunde.

  During this time Albert Speer, Chief Architect of Nazi Germany, made Kammler his representative for “Special Construction Tasks.” By March 1944 Kammler had pushed Goring to make him responsible for all special buildings.